samedi 31 janvier 2009


This necklace I created was inspired by the one Verena Sieber-Fuchs made and called Firecracker. She is one of my favorite Jewelry artist. You can actually see some of her works at the Elegant Armor : The Art of Jewelry exhibit at the Museum of arts and design in New York. If you get to be in New York from now until July 5th, it's a must see!

Here's how the curator Ursula Ilse-Neuman introduced the exhibition :

"Elegant Armor: The Art of Jewelry" presents innovative pieces of contemporary art jewelry from our permanent collection, dating from the 1940s to the present. The works on display range from the subtle to the flamboyant, from the purely geometric to the organic, and from narrative to sculptural works that extend the limits of the human body. The exhibition presents the major themes, materials and techniques that make contemporary jewelry visually exciting and intellectually stimulating."

For more details, I encourage you to take a look here :,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=advsearch&style=single&currentrecord=1

jeudi 29 janvier 2009

Victorian style black choker

I am presently working on a big piece. It's a victorian style black choker. I see it verry large covering all the neck and on the base line I am planing to integrate 5 ovales Onix that will be embazzeled with japaneese beads probably black or different shades of grey. I see it verry feminine as well as verry heavy.

I am verry excited about this piece! I hope I get to make some great shots of it to give it it's full beauty. I got the inpiration from the movie Dracula (Bram Stoker's).

Dark Sunday Afternoon

I recently came out with a new collection called Dark Sunday Afternoon. Although I am not quite satisfied with the pictures, I am rather proud of my creations. I will post them all on Flickr really soon. Meanwhile, you can see them on my Facebook Fan Page. Or on myspace at .
Before christmas, I was left down by the company I was working for and I've decided to turn that misfortune into an opportunity to beadwork fulltime. As a results, everything that is aside the beadworking itself is new to me. I'm talking about the pics, the promotion, the pricing and so on... I find it really challenging and I am loving every part of it!
The really cool thing in this adventure is to discover all the great artists around. I have expended my network and I am really inspired not only by the beadworkers(and there are many great ones out there) but also by all the other areas of arts; sculptures, paintings, photographes, music, etc...
I am having the time of my life!